Sync your Garmin Connect Account with Final Surge

By syncing your Garmin Connect account, Final Surge can send planned structured workouts to your Garmin Connect calendar, and Garmin Connect will send completed workouts to your Final Surge account.

Initial Setup 

Step 1 - Click on the Garmin/Device Upload link
In the main navigation at the top of your training log under Workouts, click on "Garmin/Device Upload" to be taken to our Garmin Import page:


Step 2  - Click the Link Garmin Connect Account button
Once on the Garmin Import page, click the blue Link Garmin Connect Account button.



Step 3 - Click the Authorize Sync Button
Clicking the Authorize Sync button will redirect you to a page on the Garmin Connect website. This page will prompt you to type in your username and password to approve the sync with Final Surge. *Additionally, you will see a checkbox on this page to import your last 30 days of workouts from Garmin Connect. If you check this box, Garmin Connect will also send your previous 30 days of workouts to your Final Surge account. Only check this box if you have not already logged your last 30 days of workouts in Final Surge. Otherwise, duplicate workouts will show up on your calendar when Garmin sends the previous 30 days of data.

*30-Day Workout History
If you have chosen to import your last 30-days of workouts from Garmin Connect, this will not happen until you have uploaded your first workout to Garmin (after you have synced your Final Surge account with Garmin Connect). Once you upload that initial workout, Garmin will then queue up your history at that time and send that history over to Final Surge within 24-78 hours.

Step 4 - Enter your Garmin Connect Username and Password
To finish the syncing process, you must enter your Garmin Connect username and password to allow them to send the data to your Final Surge account.


Step 5 - Grant Permissions
Give permission for Garmin to send completed workouts to Final Surge, and for Final Surge to send planned structured workouts to your Garmin Connect calendar.


Activities permission- allows Garmin Connect to send completed workouts to Final Surge.

Workouts permission - allows Final Surge to send planned structured workouts to your Garmin Connect calendar so that you can complete these on your watch or cycling computer.


Once you have entered your credentials on this page, you will be redirected back to Final Surge. That's it!

The next time you upload a completed workout to Garmin Connect from your watch or cycling computer, that workout will automatically be sent over to your Final Surge account as well.

If you are looking to sync planned structured workout down to your Garmin Connect calendar, view our Garmin Connect Planned Structured Workout Sync article.

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