Duplicate Planned Workouts and Training Plans on Calendar

If you have multiple planned workouts on every day of your calendar, it is possible that you applied the same training plan more than once.  You will need to remove one or more of these training plan instances.

 If you would like to remove a training plan intance, first click the main Training Plan link at the top of the log. Then, on the right side of the page click the button that says “Plan History”. That will take you here: https://log.finalsurge.com/TrainingPlansHist.cshtml

This shows all of the plans you have applied to your calendar.  You will be able to see if you have applied the same plan multiple times on this page. Click the edit pencil icon to the right of the plan instance you want to remove, and that will allow you to adjust the dates of the plan or remove it completely from your calendar by clicking the trash can icon.  

Watch this video to learn how to remove a training plan from your calendar:


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