Connecting Apple Health to Final Surge allows your health metrics such as sleep, resting heart rate, HRV, weight and more to sync and display in the Daily Vitals section of the Final Surge app.
If you are interested in connecting your Apple Watch to Final Surge, please see our Apple Watch Integration Guide.
To begin the Apple Health connection, go to the More Menu in the Final Surge app by clicking on the triple dots at the bottom of the app in the menu bar.
Once on the More Menu, click on Connected Apps --> Apple Health + Watch:
The Final Surge app will then take you through a series of onboarding screens to connect Apple Health. Follow the prompts to continue through each screen. When you get to the Apple Health connection screen, we recommend tapping on "Turn On All" so that Final Surge has full permissions from Apple Health to receive all of your health and fitness data:
Once you have turned on the metrics you want to sync, then click the "Allow" link in the top right corner of the screen:
On the final screen, you can then decide if you would like to sync your last 30 days of health history into Final Surge. If you have an Apple Watch, you can also decide if you want your last 30 days of workout history to sync to Final Surge as well:
After clicking next, the Apple Health connection is complete. If you have an Apple Watch, you will then be taken through additional screens regarding connection your watch to Final Surge. To learn more about our Apple Watch integration, please see our Apple Watch Integration Guide.
Now that Apple Health is connected to Final Surge, your health metrics from Apple Health will automatically sync to your Daily Vitals within the Final Surge app.