The Questionnaire & Intake Form feature inside of Coaching Business allows you to create and manage questionnaires so that you can collect additional information from athletes and program participants. Questionnaires that you create can then be attached to both Subscriptions and Programs, so that athlete's fill out and submit this information during the registration process.
Questionnaires/Intake Forms are also referred to as "Surveys" within the Final Surge platform.
To begin creating a questionnaire, navigate to the Coaching Business link by clicking on your coach profile image at the top of the main navigation. From there click on Coaching Business from the fly-out menu:
At the top of the Coaching Business page, click on the "Questionnaires" tab on the right:
Creating a New Questionnaire
To create a new questionnaire, click the "Create" button in the top right hand corner of the Questionnaire tab:
Once you click the "Create" button, a modal window will open. Type the name of your questionnaire into the text box and click the "Save" button in the bottom right corner. This name is not shown to the athlete and is only used to reference the questionnaire when you are attaching it to Subscriptions and Programs:
After you have saved the name of your questionnaire, it will then be listed on the Questionnaires page. Click on the name of the questionnaire to begin adding your questions:
Once you are on the questionnaire edit view, you'll see a panel on the left called "Pages", and then you'll see the question builder on the right:
You can decide if you want to break your Questionnaire into multiple pages, or if you would like to keep all questions on a single screen. If you have a lot of questions to ask, it may make sense to create multiple pages and keep similar types questions together on the same page.
To add a new page, click the plus icon to the right of the "Pages" header:
To give each page a name that will display at the top of the questions that are part of that page, click the three triple dots to the right of the page name and select "Edit":
Adding Questions
To begin adding a question, type the question into the "Question" textbox. Then, select the type of form input that you want displayed to the athlete when they select or enter their answer:
The types of form inputs you can choose from are:
- Radio Button - a list of options that limits the user of only selecting one answer.
- Checkbox - a list of options that allows the user to select multiple answers.
- Select - a dropdown menu that limits the user to selecting one answer.
- Textbox - a single line box used for typing in a short amount of text.
- Textarea - a multi-line text box used for typing in longer amounts of text.
Once you click on a input type, your question will be created. If you chose Radio Button, Checkbox or Select, you will then need to add the options for these form types that you want the user to choose from.
To add your next question, you can click the "Add Question" button at the very bottom of the screen. Or, if you want to insert a question in the middle of other questions, click the plus icon on the left between any two existing questions:
Required/Optional Settings
In addition, you can choose for the question to be required or optional. Click on the cogwheel to the right of the question you typed in to access these options:
Turn on the Field Validation toggle if you would like to make the question required:
Reordering Questions
If you ever need to change the order of your questions, click the reorder icon to the right of any question:
A modal window will open up with all of your questions on that page listed out. Grab the dots icon to the far left of the question you want to move and drag it to a new position in the list:
Previewing Your Questionnaire
At any time if you want to see what your questionnaire will look like to your athletes and participants, click the "Preview" link at the very top of the screen:
A new browser window will open up and you will then see exactly what your athletes/participants will see on screen when they are answering your questions. Feel free to play with the various options the question builder offers, and then test out your changes by using this "Preview" link at any time.
Saving Your Questionnaire
Once you have add questions or made any edits to existing questions, click the "Save & Close button in the top right corner to save all of your changes.
Copying an Existing Questionnaire
If you ever need to make a copy of an existing questionnaire, hover over the name and click the copy icon on the right.
A modal window will open up with all of the previous questionnaire information. The name of this questionnaire will have the text "(Copy)" at the end of it. Simply adjust the name of the copied questionnaire and then click the "Copy" button at the bottom of the modal window. Once copied, you can then edit the questionnaire and add/edit questions.
Deleting a Questionnaire
If for some reason you need to delete one of your questionnaires, hover over the questionnaire you want to delete and click the trash can icon on the right:
A modal confirmation window will appear confirming the deletion. Just click "Yes, Delete" to remove the questionnaire.
Attaching Questionnaires to Subscriptions and Programs
Once you have created a questionnaire, you can now attach it to a Subscription or Program so that your athlete or participant can answer your questions when they register for your service.
Click on the Subscriptions or Programs tab in Coaching Business, and edit the subscription or program by hovering over the name and clicking on the edit button to the right:
From the editor view of your service, navigate to the "Onboarding" tab at the top:
The "Include Onboarding Questionnaire" option is at the very top of the Registration Data section. Use the toggle button to turn this on:
Once you have toggled on the Questionnaire option, you can then select which questionnaire you would like to attach to this subscription or program using the dropdown menu.
The questionnaire is shown to the user after they have completed the initial registration fields, but before they see the checkout screen where they will pay for your service.
Viewing Questionnaire Answers
If you need to view a user's answers to a questionnaire, there are three ways you can access this.
1. You can export all athlete/participant answers at once by hovering over the name of the subscription or program from the "Subscriptions" or "Programs" tab. Click the "Export" icon on the right to download an Excel file of all registration data:
Once you've downloaded the file, open it up and click on the "Survey" tab at the bottom:
All survey/questionnaire data will be displayed in this Excel sheet for all participants of the service.
2. The second option is to click on the Subscription or Program name from the "Subscriptions" or "Programs" tab:
This will show you a list of all subscribers or participants. Hover over the name of the athlete you want to view, and click the "View Questions" icon on the right:
From here, you can view all of the athlete's answers on this screen. You can also choose to print or export the questions to an Excel file for this athlete using the options in the top right corner:
3. The third way to access these answers is to navigate to the athlete's calendar. Click on the athlete's profile image next to their name at the top:
When the modal window opens, navigate to the "Services" tab. This will display all Subscriptions and/or Programs this athlete has registered for. Click the three triple dots (...) to the right of the subscription or program name, and then select "View Questions":
This will open up the same answer screen in #2 above so that you can view, print and/or export the answers to each question.