Getting Started with Recurring Subscriptions

Recurring Subscriptions are part of the Coaching Business features that Final Surge offers.  These are recurring monthly payments that you would like to charge an athlete for your services.  For example, if you are offering one-to-one coaching, you can set up a Subscription in Final Surge for your athletes.  Final Surge will then handle billing the recurring monthly charges to your athlete so that you don't have to use a 3rd party billing platform.

The Subscription platform also allows you to more easily onboard your athletes by allowing you to create waivers and onboarding questionnaires that athletes complete while signing up for your service.  Once an athlete has completed the registration process of your subscription, you become their coach and they are automatically placed on a team in your account that you have assigned to the Subscription.

Final Surge will also automatically alert you when an athlete cancels their subscription, or if a automatic payment fails and the athlete needs to update their credit card on file (the athlete is also notified and prompted to update their payment information).

To begin with Subscriptions, navigate to the Coaching Business link by clicking on your coach profile image at the top of the main navigation.  From there click on Coaching Business from the fly-out menu:


If you have not already done so, you will need to go through the Account Setup process before accessing the Subscriptions tab.


Creating a New Recurring Subscription

To create a new subscription, click the "Create" button in the top right hand corner of the Subscriptions tab:

This will open a modal window and walk you through the basic setup of a subscription.  Beside most fields is a small question mark.  Hover over this question mark to display additional information about what each field is used for.



Each subscription must be part of a Subscription Group.  Subscription Groups are simply a way to organize your subscriptions.  You may only need one group that you add all of your subscriptions to.  Or, if you have lots of subscriptions and need to keep them categorized, you can add additional groups.

Once you have filled out the basic information of your subscription, click the "Create Subscription" button at the bottom of the modal window:


After the subscription has been created it will show up under the Subscription Group you added it to.  The status of the new subscription will be set to "Unpublished".  Now it is time to fill out additional information about the subscription.  Hover over the new subscription and you'll see a set of icons display to the far right.  Click the edit pencil icon to edit the details of this subscription:


Adding/Editing Subscription Details

After you have added your new subscription (or if you need to edit the details of an existing subscription), click the edit pencil icon shown in the screen shot above.  This will take you into the Subscription Details editor view.

The editor has 7 tabs at the top of the screen: Details, Pricing, Visibility, Onboarding, Confirmation, Welcome Email and Social:



Each tab contains options to add additional information about your subscription.  As you fill out form fields on the left side of each page, you will see a preview of what your subscription will look like on the right side of the screen:



Most fields has a small question mark beside the label.  Hover over these question marks to read what each field does:


Below is a brief overview of the type of information you can enter on each tab:

  • Details - This is the name and main description of your service that will display to athletes when they are viewing the subscription.  In addition, you can customize the URL of the subscription and add highlights of what you offer using the Custom Highlight Section.

  • Pricing - This is where you can edit the overall price you are charging for the subscription.  If you would like to add an initial start-up fee that is charged to the athlete when they first sign up, that can be done as well.  Also, if you would like your athletes to have access to Athlete Premium features, you can choose to cover that cost for your athlete and add that as part of your subscription.

  • Visibility - Allows you to publish/un-publish the subscription at any time.  You can also choose if you want your subscription to display on your Coach Page, or if you want to hide it from your Coach Page and only access it through the URL.  If you want your subscription to automatically be displayed or hidden on specific dates, or if you want to open/close registration on specific dates, you can also set those options on this tab.

  • Onboarding - Allows you to select what information you want to collect from the athlete when they sign up, and if you want each field to be required or optional for that athlete.  Some of the fields include: Gender, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Emergency Contact, Location & Shipping Address, Allowing Participants Under 18 Years of Age.

    The Onboarding tab is also where you can find the Questionnaires and Intake Forms feature.  You can build out a custom questionnaire that the athlete fills out during the registration process.  Collect any type of information you want (training history, PRs, goals, etc.).

    Waivers and Digital Signatures are also part of the Onboarding tab.  If you have a waiver that you would like your athlete to agree to before being coached by you, you can create a waiver and add it as part of the onboarding process.  You can also turn on the digital signature capture feature which makes the athlete sign their name (with their mouse or finger) when agreeing to the Waiver. 

  • Confirmation - When an athlete completes the registration and pays for the subscription, they will be sent to a final confirmation page.  This tab allows you to edit the information that is displayed on that page in case you want to give your athlete additional instructions about the service they just subscribed to.  Additionally, you will get notified via email when a new athlete signs up for the subscription.  If you want to edit what email address that notification goes to, or if you want to copy other coaches on that notification, make those changes here.

  • Welcome Email - If you would like a custom email to be sent to the athlete as soon as they sign up for your subscription (to send them additional instructions or to introduce yourself), enable this here.  Once enabled, you can customize the subject line, the text of the email, and upload a header image if you like.

  • Social - This tab allows you to customize how your subscription will display whenever you paste the URL into social media sites.  You can upload a custom image, add a title and short description.

Once you have filled out the additional information about your new subscription or made any changes to an existing subscription, click the "Save & Close" button in the top right corner to save your changes:



Copying an Existing Subscription

When setting up a new subscription, sometimes it will be easiest to simply make a copy of an existing subscription that you have already created.  Making a copy will pre-fill all of the subscription details that you had previously entered for that subscription, so that you can simply edit some of the details without having to make a new subscription from scratch.

To copy a subscription, hover over the subscription you would like to copy and then click on the Copy Subscription icon on the right:

A modal window will open up with all of the previous subscription information.  The name of this subscription will have the text "[COPY]" in front of it.  Simply adjust the name of the copied subscription and then click the "Copy Subscription" button at the bottom of the modal window.  Once copied, you can then edit your new subscription and update additional details about it.


Deleting a Subscription

If for some reason you need to delete one of your subscriptions, hover over the subscription you want to delete and click the trash can icon on the right:

A modal confirmation window will appear confirming the deletion.  Just click "Yes, Delete" to remove the subscription.


Exporting Registration Information

As athletes sign up for your subscription, you will start collecting registrations.  You can export all registrations of a subscription at any time by hovering over the subscription and then clicking on the export icon on the right:


The exported Excel file will have multiple tabs at the bottom: 

  • Registrations - This is all of the registration information you chose to collect from the athlete when they signed up: Address, Emergency Contact, Phone Number, etc.

  • Transactions - Payment information for all initial transactions (the first payment made with their registration when the athlete signed up).  To view all payments, use the "Athlete Subscriptions" tab and the "Transactions" tab on the main Coaching Business page.

  • Survey - If your subscription included a Questionnaire, you will find all answers from each athlete here.


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